
To have the “torch” of God’s “love” ignited in our hearts

Ignite, then, within their hearts [“them that have set their hopes" in God, and them who have "sought" God] the torch of Thy love, that its flame may consume all else except their wondrous remembrance of Thee, and that no trace may be left in those hearts except the gem-like evidences of Thy most holy sovereignty, so that from the land wherein they dwell no voice may be heard except the voice that extolleth Thy mercifulness and might, that on the earth on which they walk no light may shine except the light of Thy beauty, and that within every soul naught may be discovered except the revelation of Thy countenance and the tokens of Thy glory, that haply Thy servants may show forth only that which shall please Thee and shall conform wholly unto Thy most potent will.

- Baha’u’llah  (‘Prayers and Meditations of Baha’u’llah’)